Adaptation of Ali's first published poem, "Sargasso Sea," by visual artist Amanda Craig. Appearing together w/ poem in The Void, 'How Could this Happen,' issue, 2011.

Poster for the author's first formal reading in Montreal, when the author was 19. Synapse was a series at Concordia University which featured one undergraduate writer (Ali); one graduate level writer (Lise); one doctorate level writer (Michael); alongside working professionals of the craft (Alan, etc.).

At a Room22 Reading in early 2011 photos by Celia Spenard Ko

art by Erika Altosaar accompanying Ali's work in The Women's Issue of The Link, March 2012
Below is Ali's first extracurricular reading in Montreal: The Room 22 "In a Garden" Summer 2011. Photos by Celia S.K.
Soliloquies Anthology Featured Author 2012 Portrait

Poster girl for Concordia English Department (Photo is Ali hosting International Poetry Colloquium w/ Public Poetics and the first Off the Page Festival, 2013)
Below is first official author portrait and below the photograph cover of Tampion (2014), by visual artist, photographer, and founder of Editorial Magazine, Claire Milbrath

Ali's first book launch when Metatron launches the first catalogue in 2014 at Bain St Michel, Plateau, Montreal.

Portrait in 2014 by Claire Milbrath

At Wonder x Metatron (Poster beside) reading "Experimental accordian poem" Photo by Ashley Opheim

Below: Art Matters Festival Opening Ceremony, March 2015. Ali reads "Jinread" (RKCM Pt. III) for first time.

Ali designs cover for Soliloquies 21.2, 2016, also editor of poetry in this issue

Photos from Metatron launch event on the day Leonard Cohen died - Photos by Ariana Molly
At a LitPop Reading in 2015

Around: Various Drawn and Quarterly Reading Events; to the right, between Henrika and Ashley. Further Right, at Claudia Rankine Reading Writers Read with Asher Woodhead sometime in 2018.
To the left in the pink fur is at a Soliloquies Reading in late 2016.
Ali's Poster design for Lisa Robertson Debbie an Epic (which Ali curated with Mick Hennessey) in 2016
Outside Metatron event at Kafein, 2016/17
Photograph by Brad Casey, author of Idiot on Fire

Introduction for Jeramy Dodds and Don McKay Writers Read, 2016

In green room at La Vitrola November 2016 (the night news broke Leonard Cohen died - we all found out at the reading and did an impromptu memorial) for a Metatron Launch.
Various photos by Ashley Obscura and Ariana Molly. Ft. Rhiannon Collett, Cason Sharpe.

Bad Nudes launch magazine LAUNCH PARTY !!!! in 2016 @ Fattal lofts in st Henri

Various body gigs as Music Video Girl

Photograph by Brad Casey, author of Idiot on Fire
Above L: Henrika and Ashley and Ali at a reading at Drawn and Quarterly; R: Ali Reading at Drawn and Quarterly; Below L: Ali and Airick (Doldrums) at Claudia Rankine Writers Read

Above: Thomas Molander (co-founder of Bad Nudes) holds Ali's 2017 guest issue; below, w/ Fawn Parker (co-founder of Bad Nudes and author of Set-Point 2019), and Ali at the event in August 2017

Cross Pollination Lab via poet Isobel McHattie Lofts des Pins Montreal. 40 minute jazz poetics solo with traditional jazz accompaniment. October 2017.
Graduation 2017

Ali Emceeing Issue 2.3 Bad Nudes August 2017

Crowd shot (Ali is in front left) at Lisa Robertson / Laura Broadbent Reading in 2016
Asking Eileen Myles to sign my book at a Writers Read event 2018

Featured on Banff Centre Instagram in December 2019

Portrait by Andrea Iya Young in Potton, QC 2019
Current QC Author Publicity Photo
(Taken at the Bay of Fundy 2018)

At Peanut Factory Studios (w/ Airick Asher Woodhead on guitar) in 2018 London, UK
Writers Read Fall Season 2019: Ali was director Sina Queyras' assistant for the following events. All poster designs by Miles Forrester.

With David Chariandy, Linzey Corridon , Shazia Hafiz Ramji photo by Sina Queyras

w/ Fawn Parker after hosting a Winter Metatron launch event together in 2019. Author of Set Point (2019); Jolie-Laide (2021); Dumbshow (2021) The Death of My Name (2022); Founder of The Parker Agency; Bad Nudes Magazine and Bad Books Press.
Fan shot w/ my hero William Gibson Feb 2020

Portrait by @realfakerapper for Bad Nudes Anthology (2019)

all photos from night philosophy from Greg Trumper (@gregtrumper)

poster by Sonja Katanic @sonjavolcanic